Jingle Bell Run 2022

The Jingle Bell run will take place on Thursday 15th December.

For the benefit of those new to the club the details are explained below.

You are encouraged to run in fancy dress. This is not compulsory but may be advisable if you don’t want to be identified on CCTV! Prize(s) available for the best fancy dress.

We run through town and then stop at The Kings Arms, Oxfords oldest pub for a beverage.

Returning to Oxsrad for Mince Pies and Mulled wine

Bells will be available for hire to attach to your shoes. These are hired, not be kept and are to be returned at the end of the evening please.

Pam and Maureen will be running a Tombola, any donations of prizes are gratefully received.

We usually conclude the evening with the draw for the Clubs London Marathon Places for next April. We are still waiting confirmation from London Marathon of our number of places.

NB You must meet our club’s “qualifying requirements” to enter the ballot for the club London Marathon place(s).

Don’t miss the best run of the year.

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