Abingdon Marathon 2023

The Abingdon Marathon took place on Sunday 22nd October; the weather was dry and bright, providing ideal running conditions. Eight Headington Road Runners took part and all sucessfully completed the 26.2 miles. In addition to some fantastic individual performances, Charlotte Cox, Maddie Ding and Kate Sergeant were the first women’s team.

In the Oxfordshire County Marathon Championships, Charlotte was third woman and first senior woman, and Hanno Nickau was second VM60. Congratulations to everyone who ran!

Full results can be found here.

Photo credit: Sean Collins

Headington Road Runners Complete Race to the Stones 2023

On Saturday 8th July, five HRR members (Charlotte, Nicola, Simon, Rachel and Lucy) plus one member’s daughter, Zoe, took on the challenge of the Race to the Stones ultramarathon: a stunning 100km trail, spanning from Lewknor to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Avebury Stone Circle. All six runners opted for the ‘non-stop’ version of the race, which involves running the entire 100km in a single day.

The day started early, with the runners setting off shortly after 7am. The weather was incredibly changeable, starting off as sunny and humid, followed by bouts of pouring rain and thunderstorms, interspersed with more sun! Fortunately, the runners had plenty of support from other club members and family who met them at various points along the course to provide fresh clothes, snacks and endless amounts of cheers and encouragement.

All six runners completed the course, some in the dark! Charlotte was the first HRR finisher, completing the race in a very speedy 12 hours 16 minutes, giving her 106th position overall and 24th woman. She was followed by Lucy (13h 33 mins), Simon (14h 20 mins) Nicola (14h 58 mins), Zoe (16h 8mins) and Rachel. It was a great day out and, as spectators, we were inspired by the incredible achievements of the runners who were tested to their limits – both physical and mental. While they are enjoying a well earned rest from intense training, many of us spectators are tempted by the idea of entering next year’s race!

Open post

Headington Road Runners Complete Race to the Stones 2023

On Saturday 8th July, five HRR members (Charlotte, Nicola, Simon, Rachel and Lucy) plus one member’s daughter, Zoe, took on the challenge of the Race to the Stones ultramarathon: a stunning 100km trail, spanning from Lewknor to the UNESCO World Heritage site of Avebury Stone Circle. All six runners opted for the ‘non-stop’ version of the race, which involves running the entire 100km in a single day.

The day started early, with the runners setting off shortly after 7am. The weather was incredibly changeable, starting off as sunny and humid, followed by bouts of pouring rain and thunderstorms, interspersed with more sun! Fortunately, the runners had plenty of support from other club members and family who met them at various points along the course to provide fresh clothes, snacks and endless amounts of cheers and encouragement.

All six runners completed the course, some in the dark! Charlotte was the first HRR finisher, completing the race in a very speedy 12 hours 16 minutes, giving her 106th position overall and 24th woman. It was a great day out and, as spectators, we were inspired by the incredible achievements of all five runners who were tested to their limits – both physical and mental. While they are enjoying a well earned rest from intense training, many of us spectators are tempted by the idea of entering next year’s race!

Full results are available here.

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