Membership of Headington Roadrunners expires on the 1st March 2025

Whatever your aims and motivations we hope you have enjoyed running with us last year and that you will continue running with us into the next-

Online Renewals
If you have registered a valid email address with us then by mid February you should receive an email inviting you to renew. If you have not received it then please check your junk or spam folders or send an email to with your name and correct email address.

You will not be able to use the online system without:-

  • a valid email address

When you receive the invitation email:

  • Follow the link to your personal renewal page. This page is on our new membership database system, accessed here. You can also login to this system with your email address.
  • Check your details on your personal renewal page. If you have any corrections, you can make these on the system, or email them to the membership secretary at
  • Choose your payment options and whether you would like to affiliate to England Athletics through HRR. If you wish to race for the club, take part in cross-country leagues or the club championships, then you need to join the individual England athletics affiliation scheme. As an affiliated member you also benefit from reduced entry fees for EA races .
  • When you would like to continue, click through to the PayPal “Buy Now” button. This will take you to the secure PayPal site where you can pay by a variety of credit or debit cards or by PayPal transfer.
  • Once complete you will receive a PayPal receipt and confirmation email, which you should save as you would for any other online purchase.

Your membership status will be updated once we receive notification from PayPal.

Paper Based Renewals
If for any reason you are unable, or would prefer not to use the online system then you can also renew by using a generic renewal form.

Ignore the renewal email, if you receive it.
Download a renewal form, save, complete and email to the membership secretary:

We look forward to welcoming you all back to Headington Roadrunners and would like to wish you the best of luck with your running in the new season.

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